Standing Desks

We chatted with two members who now work at standing desks. Greg Yoder—who has been working at a standing desk for sometime now—began waking up with a lot of stiffness in his upper back and neck. After doing some research, he ordered a standing desk from Autonomous....

Jack Frost Comes to Visit

Whoooosh! The wind has been bitter. Yesterday, we felt the presence of Jack Frost as he came to visit, painting our front windows with beautiful brushes of frozen mist. Members dreaded going outside for lunch and scheduled meetings. Every single person who came...

Member Spotlight: Saba Williams & Olayinka Credle

Meet Saba and Olayinka, the ladies behind Melanin Essentials! At the young ages of 12 and 15, the Melanin Essentials co-founders used chemical relaxers to transform their naturally coily kinks into straight, Euro-American styled hair. Over time, both experienced hair...