In what can only be described as the showdown of the century, The Candy Factory hosted Egg Roulette. The rules? First person to smash two raw eggs over their head loses. The challengers? Benjamin and Matt. Bets were placed and the two paired off for an egg-straordinary showcase of strategy, brawn and talent.
All yolking aside, after consecutive rounds of flawless play, Matt rose as the victor — a smashing success!
Many thanks to everyone at The Candy Factory for joining in. We’re looking forward to the next match!
AND of course there was video – Thanks Merle for capturing this amazing moment! #EggRoulette #TooFunny #Share #Coworking #Community #OurMembersRock
Posted by The Candy Factory on Thursday, June 11, 2015
Photography & Video by Merle Fisher.