12546109_569406086566689_807917497_o According to Lancaster Online, “A coalition called ‘Pennsylvania for Puerto Rico’ is seeking political support for a solution to the island territory’s debt crisis that doesn’t burden its citizens and sets the stage for a more prosperous future.”

Lancaster Online reports that the county is in debt for over $72 billion dollars. The coalition of local business leaders and influencers met on Thursday, January 7th at Lancaster City Hall to strategize a plan.

“Among the key elements: a letter-writing campaign, a social media push, lobbying of elected officials and large-scale demonstrations at the upcoming Democratic and Republican national conventions,” reports Lancaster Online.

12540214_569406123233352_1276833022_n 2The Candy Factory is proud to support the Puerto Rican community through active engagement and involvement. As we move towards refined policy reform and economic prosperity for the island nation, we invite collaborative, informed and thoughtful dialog among community members.

Interested in learning more about our work within the community? Visit us online at www.candyissweet.com or call (717) 945-6380.

Photographs by J Luis Quinones.