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Bredleigh Bleecker is a sophomore at Plymouth State University in New Hampshire where she is studying Muscial Theatre with a minor in Dance and Marketing. When she is not at school, she works for The Sweet Core and John J. Jeffries restaurant. She loves tumbling, food, photography and ice vanilla lattes from Chestnut Hill.
What brings you joy?
Nothing brings me more joy than stepping on stage to perform. I live for the feeling of the heat from the lights and the nerves of live theatre. Getting to be on stage and share a story with your audience through monologue or a song is an incredible and powerful feeling. Singing is often the only way I can completely express myself, the melody takes over where words fail. To me, Oscar Wilde captures the meaning of theatre perfectly in saying, “I regard the theatre as the greatest of all art forms, the most immediate way in which a human being can share with another the sense of what it is to be a human being.”