Today is National Bike to Work Day, part of National Bike Month. Thousands from across nation have marked the date by participating in community bike rides and events. Among them, Lancaster, Pennsylvania commemorated the date with an early morning proclamation led by Mayor Rick Gray and Lancaster County Commissioner Craig Lehman.
National Bike to Work Week events extend through the weekend with Open Streets 2015, Sunday, May 17th, 11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m, a free health, wellness and fitness event organized by the Lancaster Recreation Commission, city and bike coalition. The community-led event encourages participants to engage in a healthy and active lifestyle through alternative means of transportation.
Our coworkers frequently utilize their bicycles to get to work. When asked why they choose to employ some good ole’ fashion peddle power, their responses are mixed — many enjoy the physical benefits of biking and others look at it as a way to save some extra money.
Here are their responses:
Jon Martin, TheJonMartin.Com: “I bike to work (some days for exercise, fresh air and to eliminate the need for a second vehicle for my family. It also makes “parking” downtown easier.”
Sarah Rineer Butzer, the sweet core: “I don’t bike, but wish I did because I walk and it would be a whole lot quicker if I biked. Anyone selling a bike?”
Benjamin Bachman, Vrello: “I like biking lots of places. It reminds me of my childhood and the fun that biking around the block was. It provides great exercise. I often find it the quickest way to get around town. It makes taking as easy ride to somewhere in a town a lot more doable. I think it is somewhat environmentally responsible as well.”
Erica Martin, Life Church Lancaster: This brings me great joy! Here are just a few of the most obvious reasons my bike is my main form of transportation. It’s economical — lower car insurance if you still have a car, less wear and tear on said car, free parking for bikes, far less opportunities to receive a parking tickets, and your monthly fuel expenses drop. It’s fun — I’d rather be grinning from ear-to-ear then sitting restlessly in a car. It’s timely — Like Benjamin said, in town, with traffic, I can get across town as fast as someone in a car. It’s healthy — My daily commute is part of my daily exercise. Beer and tacos never tasted so good as after a bike ride. It’s good for the mind — it’s hard for me to be mad on my bike. The fresh air and exercise in the morning clears my head and helps give me a positive outlook, while the ride home allows me to clear my head of the stress of the day and change gears before I arrive at the next activity. For those of you who are thinking of starting to commute by bike, remember it’s ok to start small. It doesn’t have to be an all or nothing decision. Ride when you’re able and give yourself forgiveness when you just don’t feel like riding. Keep it fun!
Greg Yoder, Greg Yoder Graphic Design: I bike to work almost every day, weather permitting. The #1 reason is that it gives me a little bit of exercise before and after a day of sitting at a desk. It is a good part of my daily routine. I live in town, so the commute is nearly as fast on my bike as it is if I drive. The #2 reason is that I don’t have to worry about parking hassles when I bike to work. The #3 reason is that is saves money. The miles I keep off a car adds up over the course of the year when considering the gas and wear and tear on a vehicle. The #4 reason is that is more environmentally friendly. The #5 reason is philosophical — I don’t like to be tied to a car to get everywhere I want to go. A bike is a good way to do it. I think if more people would ride bikes, it would ease traffic congestion. The #6 reason is that it is fun!