After a few year break, the Homebrewer’s Ball is back! The Candy Factory, which has now expanded into 14,000 square feet of office and event space, will once again host this unique event right here in Lancaster in partnership with Lancaster Brewers—a club that focuses on homebrewing.
If you’ve ever had the privilege of attending the Homebrewer’s Ball in the past, then you already know you’re in for a treat! The first two Homebrewer’s Ball events served food from a catered menu. This time around, however, they will be featuring multiple restaurants with a nice mix from different cultures. “We’ve partnered with local area restaurants who specialize in world cuisine to breathe new life into the classic pairings of food and beer,” says Jeremiah Eastep, member of Lancaster Brewers.
The cost of your ticket entitles you to a relaxing evening with live music, excellent food inspired by cultures from around the glove, a DJ’ed dessert lounge, and lots of merriment.
As a charity-based event, we appreciate your support!
Purchase your tickets here: