Sometimes sharing bathroom facilities with your co-working mates… stinks. No more, thanks to our newest members of the Candy Factory,Jeremy Stoltzfus.
While we’re always excited to grow our CF community, this particular partnership is definitely a “friends with benefits” situation: you may have already noticed the spiffy new fixtures in our water closets, and the sweet sweet fragrance of scented hand soap. If you haven’t noticed these yet… maybe take a fiber supplement?.
Seriously though, we’re overwhelmed at the generosity of Jeremy Stoltzfus with Cintas, The Uniform People, and wanted to give them a major shout-out. These champion co-workers have arranged to keep us stocked with restroom supplies as a perk of their membership here, and a bunch of bright dispensers, as well. If you see Jeremy Stoltzfus, Byron Fletcher, and Paul Doan around, make sure to give them a huge high-five!
Just… wash your hands first.
By Debbie Boyd