Meet Edward Danilyuk
A Creative Problem Solver Who’s Not Embarrassed to Admit His Affection For Donuts & Ariana Grande Edward is a down-to-earth guy who loves his two kids and building and fixing things. But, don’t ask him to run your donut shop – he would eat them all instead of selling them! Edward started EdwardVDesign and is not a freelancer, not a company – he’s a one-man shop and he’s worked in all aspects of product development and understands the ins and outs of designing, building, testing and shipping solutions.
He can help you convey your business design ideas both to marketing teams and to developers eliminating many of the frustrations that can arise in a mismanaged product design and launch. He loves co-working as he’s gotten to know a bunch of really cool people. It’s helped his business grow and his productivity has increased since he joined the CF. We think it’s because he can blast Ariana Grande on his earbuds and no one knows.
He loves the happy hours at the Candy Factory and all of the events that come with his membership. This dad of 2 also enjoys everything about spending time with his kids and the most heartwarming thing he’s ever witnessed was his daughter teaching her younger brother how to do something. Oh, and it’s not only Ariana Grande he listens too… he also enjoys working with a Lo-fi chill-hop mix of some sort … while drinking all the coffee he wants!