Our featured member this month is Ashley Smith our very own community facilitator extraordinaire.
Ashley met to discuss her role within the Candy Factory community and the benefits of working within Lancaster’s creative, professional and collaborative coworking space. As Community Facilitator, Ashley greets members; organizes and administers daily tours of the facility, and manages and promotes weekly events — all while serving as an advocate for coworking in Lancaster.
“Everyday is an adventure,” admitted Ashley. “I never know what to expect during the day-to-day and that’s what keeps things exciting. Community is the key to the success of coworking in Lancaster and i’ve enjoyed watching it evolve during the time i’ve been here.”
Ashley oversees prospective members and enjoys being an advocate for something that she is so passionate about. “Just yesterday, I met with a woman who, at least initially, didn’t know what The Candy Factory, Warehouse D or coworking was about. I explained to her the different offerings and benefits of working within this environment — spacious flex area, designated desk space and diverse conference rooms . The Candy Factory can serve as a awesome incubator for her business, as well as other local small businesses, start-ups and organizations. We offer networking opportunities otherwise unavailable in a typical corporate environment ”.
Since November 2013, Ashley has provided assistance to Anne Kirby, founder, during all stages of Warehouse D development from the wall color to space planning, along with marketing projects for The Sweet Core.
“Whether it’s serving The Candy Factory community or assisting Anne, The Candy Factory is an amazing place to work. I’d love to see our community grow. I think one of the most interesting parts of being here on a day to day basis, is the diversity of those who come in and out as part time, lite, and day passers. Having Full Time staple members is fantastic, but there is also that aspect of meeting people and learning something new that makes my job so unique.”
For inquiries regarding Candy Factory membership options or to schedule a tour, click here. If you have a project you’d like to discuss, please visit thesweetcore.com.
Many thanks to Ashley for all her hard work and dedication to coworking in Lancaster!