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Yoga & Meditation with Maëlis at The Candy Factory
May 26, 2016 @ 8:15 am - 9:15 am
$5.00Chakra 4: Heart Chakra (photo: The root of this beautiful flower – named *The Queen of the Prairie* – is an aphrodisiac)
Love is in the air this week’s yoga at The Candy Factory with Maëlis will focus on the heart chakra. The Sanskrit word for this chakra is Anahata, which means “unstruck” or “unhurt.”
This class will focus on opening and healing our hear chakras through a tailored vinyasa practice, mediation and teaching. Love is the glue that holds it all together – let’s spread some love
on our mats!
Quote: “The fourth chakra is at the center of the seven chakras with three below and three above. This is the area where physical and spiritual meet.” – http://www.chopra.com/
Upcoming classes:
6/2: Fifth Chakra (Vishuddha): Verbal expression, truth, communication
6/9: Sixth Chakra (Ajna): Center of intuition.
6/16: Seventh Chakra (Sahaswara): Enlightenment.