“It shouldn’t be difficult to see a real-life moose in Alaska, but even after three business trips, Molly Connolly never saw one,” says Elusive Moose.
Molly Connolly and Candy Factory member, Jason Mundok, launched Elusive Moose — a comprehensive resource for consultants, freelancers and entrepreneurs — during the organization’s premier forum, Find Your Moose. An annual work life conference, Find Your Moose challenges attendees to think differently about their work and how they might best align their strengths and passions to develop and maintain a productive, impactful and fulfilling work life.
“But to me, the ability to try new things is what makes me tick. Elusive Moose is an experiment in sharing the joy I have found in my work — an experiment in finding others who love to work for themselves and are searching for a community of like-minded people to help them do it even better,” says Molly.
The pair offers a combined 30+ years of consulting, custom software development and business coaching.
“I’ve truly enjoyed my work as a consultant over the year. Has it all be exciting and amazing? Of course not. But each experience has allowed me opportunities to reflect, learn and grow, and that is a very fulfilling way to live,” says Jason.
After months of development, Elusive Moose recently launched their brand new website. Head over to www.elusivemoose.com to check it out! There, you’ll find a variety of multimedia designed to inform and empower. Elusive Moose is available on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube.