Dr. Chris Hager is a primary care physician and founder of Novara Health, a membership-based concierge medical practice located in Lancaster, PA. After spending over a decade as a family doctor in a more traditional practice, Chris made the move to a subscription model in 2016, this patient focused model better aligns with his mission of developing deep personal connections with his patients while allowing him to be proactive with their health.
For a monthly fee, clients receive unlimited access to care whenever it is needed. Removing the restrictions of a fee for service model means more time is available with Dr. Hager’s team allowing everyone to focus more on prevention. It also means that Novara can take advantage of the latest technology to make interactions between a doctor and a patient more efficient without having to schedule unnecessary visits.
Working closely with his team, Chris is hoping to change the way we think and access healthcare while simplifying an overly complicated system. His involvement with Rock Medical, which brings the membership-based primary care and wellness services to employees of companies in the Lancaster region is another example of how removing barriers to patient focused care helps build healthier communities.
Web: https://novarahealth.org
FB: https://www.facebook.com/novarahealth
IG: https://www.instagram.com/Novarahealth/
The DO.ERS Podcast is produced by Jason Mundok at The Candy Factory. Email do@thesweetcore.com if you have comments, questions, or feedback about the show. We’d love to hear from you!