Karen Foley is a Lancaster based therapist who has worked with members of the local gay community since moving to the area nine years ago. Through advocacy work for her clients and her leadership in the community around events like Pride Week and weekly Trans/Queer Yoga gatherings, the idea was born for the Lancaster LGBTQ+ Coalition, a group that is focused on LGBTQ+ issues in Lancaster County.
The Coalition has now opened Lancaster County’s very first LGBTQ+ center, here at the Candy Factory in our new Studio building at the Candy Factory Community Campus.This physical location will serve as a hub for the LGBTQ+ community, where people can gather, connect with each other, and find information about available resources all in one central location. The Coalition is also committed to addressing deeper issues like improving access to dignified healthcare for the LGBTQ+ community, offering cultural competency training to organizations and businesses in the area, and working toward statewide non-discrimination legislation. Learn more here:
Web: https://lgbtlancaster.org/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/lancasterlgbtqcoalition/
IG: https://www.instagram.com/lgbtqcoalition/
The DO.ERS Podcast is produced by Jason Mundok at The Candy Factory. Email do@thesweetcore.com if you have comments, questions, or feedback about the show. We’d love to hear from you!