by Anne Kirby | Dec 22, 2016 | blog, Candy Factory Members, Community, Community Gallery, Coworking in Lancaster, Featured Members, Main Slider, Members, The Candy Factory, Warehouse D, warehouseD, Welcome
Meet Jen Reiner! Jen is President of Align, Ltd—a consulting practice which helps entrepreneurs and small businesses grow by enhancing their business model, developing new products and services, implementing a competitive strategy, and increasing the yield in their...
by Anne Kirby | Dec 21, 2016 | blog, Candy Factory Members, Community, Coworking, Coworking in Lancaster, Coworking Space Spotlight, Growing Together, Main Slider, Members, The Candy Factory, Warehouse D, warehouseD
We chatted with two members who now work at standing desks. Greg Yoder—who has been working at a standing desk for sometime now—began waking up with a lot of stiffness in his upper back and neck. After doing some research, he ordered a standing desk from Autonomous....
by Anne Kirby | Dec 20, 2016 | blog, Candy Factory Members, Community, Featured Members, Main Slider, Members, The Candy Factory, Warehouse D, warehouseD
We would like to congratulate two of our members on graduating from college this month—Faith Zimmerman and Luis Quiñones. Faith Zimmerman Faith graduated with her degree in Accounting and Finance from Millersville University in December 2016. “I like numbers,...
by Anne Kirby | Dec 19, 2016 | Community, Coworking, Coworking in Lancaster, Main Slider, The Candy Factory, Uncategorized, Warehouse D, warehouseD, Welcome
Things are looking so very festive here at The Candy Factory. With the frigid wind swirling all around us, it’s so nice to work somewhere that feels cozy—like home. John Kreider, a member of the Candy Factory, created this video of his Elf on the Shelf...
by Anne Kirby | Dec 6, 2016 | blog, Candy Factory Members, Community, Event Highlights, Events, press, Press Release, The Candy Factory, Warehouse D, warehouseD, Welcome
With many thanks to BUiLDiNG CHARACTER, the Visitor’s Center, and Church World Services for their incredible involvement, we are honored to have been a part of the refugee holiday dinner and gift exchange held this past Sunday, December 4. Several gifts were...
by Anne Kirby | Dec 5, 2016 | blog, Candy Factory Members, Community, Coworking, Coworking in Lancaster, press, Press Release, The Candy Factory, Warehouse D, warehouseD
Over the holidays—while most of us were busy stuffing our faces with turkey, stuffing, and cranberry sauce—Paste Magazine posted an article called “The 50 Coolest Coworking Spaces Across the Country.” The intro touches on the rise of a New Working Order (the coworking...