by Jason Mundok | Oct 16, 2019 | DO.ERS Podcast
Cherisse Feddock is founder of The Zen Dog Den and a Certified Dog Trainer with the International Association of Canine Professionals. Her approach is behavioral dog training, using methods that she learned studying under the dog whisperer, Cesar Millan. Cherisse is...
by Jason Mundok | Oct 9, 2019 | DO.ERS Podcast
Dr. Amanda Kemp is a racial justice and mindfulness mentor and the founder of Theatre for Transformation, a professional performing company that looks to heal the world through the performing arts. Years of intense racial justice advocacy and the need to take a break...
by Jason Mundok | Oct 2, 2019 | DO.ERS Podcast
Dr. Chris Hager is a primary care physician and founder of Novara Health, a membership-based concierge medical practice located in Lancaster, PA. After spending over a decade as a family doctor in a more traditional practice, Chris made the move to a subscription...
by Jason Mundok | Sep 25, 2019 | DO.ERS Podcast
Timbrel Chyatee is a fashion designer and founder of Lush Bazaar, a socially conscious fashion line and boutique located in downtown Lancaster, PA. Timbrel has a fresh outlook on fashion that is considerably different from fast fashion, or mass produced, low quality,...
by Jason Mundok | Sep 18, 2019 | DO.ERS Podcast
Janet Sierk has been working in the real estate industry since the early 2000’s when she and her husband, Chuck began investing in properties. Shortly thereafter, Janet became a certified real estate agent, and in 2012, they moved to Lancaster where they planted firm...
by Jason Mundok | Sep 11, 2019 | DO.ERS Podcast
José Johnson has spent his life developing the skills and habits to achieve change and excellence through the martial arts and music, both as a practicing artist and as an instructor and mentor. His desire to help others transcend current beliefs about themselves and...