Jason and Diggs welcome Ruby Mundok, freshman marketing student at West Chester University, to this episode of The Candy Factory 5BY5 Podcast! We chat for five minutes about five random topics that are presented to us by our good friend, Jason’s iPad. We’re constantly adding new topics to the list, if you have any suggestions, let us know! Sometimes serious, sometimes witty, and sometimes even entertaining(!), nobody knows where the conversation will go until it unfolds in the moment.

Here are some links we thought would be cool to include based on our conversation!

Magazines mentioned: Bop, Circus, Fig, Fine Living Lancaster, Highlights, Hit Parader, Revelo, Rolling Stone, Spin, Tiger Beat; and MANY more.
Plant Based vs. Vegan
Noelle (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) by Lawrence
Mummers Parade in Philadelphia
College vs. University in the U.S. (according to the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education)
Rhodes Scholarship


Rhodes Scholarships are open to primarily English-speaking countries, most of whom were part of the United Kingdom, at one time or another. The United States is allocated 32 scholarships per year.

The Candy Factory 5BY5 Podcast is produced by Jason Mundok and Robert Diggs at The Candy Factory. Music composed and recorded by (a really cool guy named) Jon Chinn (BKLYN). Email do@thesweetcore.com if you have comments, questions, or feedback about the show. We’d love to hear from you!